What Color is Your Tractor?

Chrissy Wozniak
Host of What Color is Your Tractor & North American Ag Spotlight
Over the years I’ve had the incredible opportunity to meet & spend time with the people of the agriculture industry who work hard to manufacture the equipment that farmers depend on.
Back in aggie college, I was fascinated by the brand loyalty I saw surrounding me, the green, red, blue, orange, shirts, logos, belt buckles, songs & heated exchanges between farm kids made me realize that there is a deep history behind those colors that have helped farmers put food on our tables for almost the last century & a half.
In spending time on the road during my career, traveling across North America I’ve gotten to know the stories of these remarkable companies, and have broken bread with many of the people behind the brands.
I want to share these stories with you. Welcome to What Color is Your Tractor, the Stories of the Ag Brands You Love and the Ag Brands You Love to Hate.